
Talk Read Sing Sets Children, Families, and Our Community Up for Success

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“As a child, my grandmother imparted to me the love of reading, and I’m grateful for the time we spent together. Those moments of connection and teaching the love of learning last a lifetime in so many ways,” said Starlett Massey, founding shareholder of MLG.

The experience of children and adults talking, reading, and singing together are often described with emotions and feelings. The tangible impacts, however, can be described through research and neuroscience. Champions for Children, a nonprofit that serves the Tampa Bay region to build strong families through child abuse prevention and family education programs, decided to launch Talk Read Sing Tampa Bay for that reason.

90% of a child’s brain development takes place between the ages of zero and five. Their development and ability to make attachments and relate with others is critical to their success as they grow, start school, and become citizens who engage in their communities.

Talk Read Sing Tampa Bay is part of a national campaign. It creates public awareness of early brain and vocabulary development and encourages parents and caregivers to talk, read, and sing to their children as early as possible and as often as possible. This builds healthy attachments and the groundwork for brain development at the most critical stage and age.

Talk Read Sing Supports Diversity and Inclusion

Starlett serves on Champions for Children’s Community Council, which supports the organization’s mission, strengthening families in Tampa Bay, through outreach and engagement with the community. A core value of MLG is diversity and inclusion, and we feel that supporting parents and caregivers and giving them resources for early childhood development helps give children an equal opportunity to lead healthy, successful lives. 

Talk Read Sing is transformative. The mindset becomes a practice and then a daily habit. It benefits children and families today, and it impacts future generations. It creates a legacy of care, connection, and inclusion. The investments we make in our families and children — especially time — are the most important investments we can make. 

“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people” – Chinese Proverb

TALK READ SING Tampa Bay – Community Leaders

Community leaders are on board with Champions for Children's new initiative, TALK READ SING Tampa Bay! Want to partner with us to bring this to as many children and families in Hillsborough County as we can? Comment below and we'll talk!

Posted by Talk Read Sing Tampa Bay on Tuesday, October 29, 2019

To learn more, please visit the Talk Read Sing Tampa Bay Facebook page.

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