
New Florida CraftArt Exhibit Explores “Inside the World of Public Art”

Florida CraftArt public art samples

Diversity, inclusion, and equal rights are core values of our firm. The U.S. Constitution starts with “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,” implying a group of people who joined together with and for an equal voice.

Public art reflects this. In fact, public art is a product of these values. In the 1930s, public art in the U.S. was a result of national programs to develop pride in American culture and values. At the end of the 1960s and during the 1970s, public art changed, and it took on a new status. It became more about the public’s interests and causes. Environmental art, for example, came into being about at that time.  

“Inside the World of Public Art” Exhibit

Today, in the Tampa Bay area, we enjoy a variety of public art that is very much part of the fabric of our community and identity. Florida CraftArt’s new exhibit “Inside the World of Public Art” takes a look at the spirit and diversity of public art that enhances our lives and community through the works of eight artists. The exhibit, which runs January 24 to March 7, includes events such as the opening reception, artist talks, and studio tours. 

MLG is one of the proud sponsors of the exhibit and exclusive sponsor of “The Art of Healing” event on February 11, which will feature performances focused on tolerance and acceptance. As a platform for dialog, public art can drive greater understandings where differences lie — between cultures, races, religions, sexual orientations, and genders. So, it is a privilege to have a role in this exhibit, affording our firm to have a role in broadening the conversations in our community. 

“It is important we have these conversations. We may not always get them right, but we need conversations about diversity and inclusion — how we heal, grow together, and where we go from here,” said Starlett Massey, founding shareholder of Massey Law Group.

St. Petersburg Celebration of the Arts

The opening of the “Inside the World of Public Art” also coincides with the St. Petersburg Celebration of the Arts, an annual festival in February that celebrates the city’s creative environment and cultural organizations. The theme of this year’s festival is Tolerance and Acceptance, and the event offers musical and theatrical performances and museum exhibits and events that explore the theme.

Please join us to tour the “Inside the World of Public Art” exhibit and attend “The Art of Healing” event on February 11. For more information about the exhibit, read Florida CraftArt’s exhibit announcement and visit the event webpage.

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