
Massey Law Group Staff Spotlight: Lauren Beaudoin

Lauren Beaudoin, paralegal team manager with business law firm Massey Law Group

Lauren Beaudoin, MLG paralegal team manager, traces her love for law to her father, who was an attorney. From an early age, activism also attracted her attention — including human rights, animal welfare, and environmental issues. She once canvased door-to-door for an environmental and human rights campaign. And with that background, she decided that activism and law were the right combination for her.

Before joining MLG, Lauren worked with firms in NY and VT. Now, she has found a home at MLG. It is a place where she and her love for law and being a voice for change can thrive and grow. Being involved in MLG community partnerships, Lauren has spent time volunteering with Faces of Courage.

“Cancer has touched my family. And to see people who have been diagnosed and their families have experiences like the Faces of Courage camps and events is so nice,” said Lauren. “At a Women of Color ice cream social, I saw women able to connect over their cancer experiences and support one another.”  

Lauren knows that MLG’s innovative culture and commitment to justice and equality are more than core values that the firm talks about — the firm lives the values. As a result, she benefits professionally and personally.

MLG, for example, recently supported an initiative to amend the Florida Bar Rule 4-8.4 to adopt the American Bar Association Model Rule 8.4, which is a significant step toward eradicating sexual discrimination and harassment in the legal field. This makes Lauren feel valued and protected.

She explains that she chose to become a paralegal, not an attorney. However, in some firms, a paralegal’s status is viewed as less, and paralegals are treated differently, in a condescending way and with less respect than attorneys.  

“Here, paralegals and attorneys are valued, and there is a collaborative environment. Thoughts, ideas, and research are valued,” said Lauren. “It gives me greater job satisfaction and confidence with clients. When you create a great place to work and make an investment in and value your staff, then they create first-class service for clients.” 

As for Lauren, MLG has invested and trusted in her leadership abilities. As the paralegal team manager, she is most proud of helping new hires learn the ropes. She loves to see them realize their strengths, grow, and succeed. Describing herself as a naturally quiet person, Lauren appreciates how her own growth has helped to push her out of her shell. Therefore, she values being able to give the same opportunity to others. 

In her personal time, Lauren also challenges herself to get out of her comfort zone. When her husband was offered a job at Tampa International Airport, they moved to the area. His job gives them the opportunity to travel. Destinations, such as Prague, Budapest, and Cologne, have opened her mind and given her new perspectives.

“For as much as people are different, we are the same,” said Lauren. 

When she described her visit to a house the Gestapo used as their headquarters in Cologne, she reflected on what took place there. From the tiny, pitch-black interrogation room to the bath area, for her, it drove home the necessity to respect and embrace each other’s differences. Lauren emphasized how the ability to learn from each other and bring together best everyone has to offer allows us to become better people and create a better world — even a better firm.

Lauren is a leader in more ways than one. Most importantly, she shows us the power of a “quiet leader,” leading by example and inspiring us to embrace each other’s differences to achieve positive resolutions. And first and foremost, Lauren reminds us to respect one another as people. 

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